Hollo-Instituutin tutkimussymposium
Havahtumisia – Taidekasvatuksen tulevaisuuden suuntia viitoittamassa
Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu
Hollo-Instituutin 7. kansainvälinen symposium kokoaa yhteen taiteen ja pedagogiikan toimijoita ja tutkijoita. Symposiumissa kysytään, miten ja millä ehdoilla taidekasvatus voi vaalia demokratiaa, sosiaalista oikeudenmukaisuutta, sivistystä ja kestävää elämäntapaa. Voisiko taidekasvatus toimia aktiivisemmin yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun herättäjänä ja tuottaa luovia ratkaisuja nykyajan visaisiin ongelmiin ja tulevaisuuden haasteisiin?
Symposiumin muita teemoja ovat taiteiden välinen pedagogiikka, taidepedagogiikan uudet kontekstit, monialainen yhteistyö, laajentuvat ammatilliset roolit ja tehtävänkuvat sekä esityksen ja esittävän taiteen monet muodot ja tehtävät. Keskustelun käynnistäjinä ovat taidekasvatuksen professori Charles Garoian (Penn State University, USA) ja apulaisprofessori Sruti Bala (Amsterdamin yliopisto).
Symposiumin kielet ovat suomi ja englanti.
ArtsEqual, The Arts as Public Service: Strategic Steps towards Equality
Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta on tukenut Hollo-symposiumia.
Ohjelma ladattavissa tästä.
Ilmoittautumiset: https://www.lyyti.in/Havahtumisia
Huom! Taideyliopiston opiskelijat ja henkilökunta:
Mikäli akatemiasi maksaa osallistumismaksun, pyydäthän sisäisen ilmoittautumislinkin osoitteesta hollo2017@uniarts.fi.
Lisätietoa: hollo2017@uniarts.fi
Charles Garoian
Charles Garoian is professor of art education at Penn State University. He has performed, lectured, and conducted workshops in festivals, galleries, museums, and university campuses in the United States and internationally. Based on the critical strategies of performance art, his teaching focuses on exploratory, experimental, and improvisational art making processes in visual art studio and art education courses. In addition to his scholarly articles featured in leading journals on art and education, Garoian is the author of Performing Pedagogy: Toward an Art of Politics (1999); co-author of Spectacle Pedagogy: Art, Politics, and Visual Culture (2008); and, The Prosthetic Pedagogy of Art: Embodied Research and Practice (2013); all three volumes published by The State University of New York Press.
Sruti Bala
Sruti Bala is Assistant Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She teaches courses in the BA and MA programmes focusing on theatre and performance theories, art and activism, translation in performance and participatory art and has a longstanding interest in performance pedagogy. Recent publications include: International Performance Research Pedagogies: Towards an Unconditional Discipline (co-ed. with Milija Gluhovic, Hanna Korsberg, Kati Röttger; Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); The Global Trajectories of Queerness: Re-Thinking Same-Sex Politics in the Global South (co-ed. with Ashley Tellis, Brill/Rodopi 2015); ‘Humorous Approaches to Art and Activism in Conflict’ (special issue of European Journal of Humour Research co-ed. with Veronika Zangl, 2015) and The Gestures of Participatory Art (forthcoming Manchester University Press, 2018).
Hollo-Instituutti on taideyliopistojen pedagogisten laitosten yhteistyöstä syntynyt yhteenliittymä, johon kuuluu myös tiedeyliopistojen taidekasvatuksen yksiköitä. Hollo-Instituutin tavoitteena on edistää taiteiden pedagogista tutkimusta ja vahvistaa taidepedagogiikan yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta. www.hollo-instituutti.fi
Taideyliopiston muodostavat Kuvataideakatemia, Sibelius Akatemia ja Teatterikorkeakoulu.Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulun tanssin ja teatterin opettamisen maisteriohjelmat vastaavat tanssi- ja teatterialojen pedagogisesta koulutuksesta ja kehittämisestä. www.uniarts.fi
ArtsEqual, The Arts as Public Service: Strategic Steps towards Equality on Taideyliopiston koordinoima, monitieteinen tutkimushanke (2015–2020). Se on yksi Suomen historian suurimmista taiteiden ja taidepedagogiikan tutkimushankkeista. Hankkeen keskeisenä ajatuksena on Taiteen ei tarvitse olla vain harvojen etuoikeus. Entä jos se olisikin kaikille kuuluva peruspalvelu? www.artsequal.fi
Research Symposium of the Hollo Institute
Back to Senses – Exploring Future Directions of Arts Education
University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy
October 12–13, 2017
The symposium is an opportunity to share and collaborate within a broad theme that highlights the future directions of arts education. The event emphasizes collaboration across disciplinary, institutional and professional borders, across methodologies and art forms. It brings together practitioners and researchers from various fields.
The symposium will open up the theme with for example the following questions: how can arts education work as an opportunity to alternative prospects to the future? How do participation, belonging and togetherness produce new cultural and social activism? How and on what conditions can arts education cherish democracy, social justice, culture and sustainable lifestyle? Could arts education take a stronger role in awakening discussion on the wicked problems in society right now and in the future? Could it produce creative solutions, as well?
Other themes in the symposium are pedagogy between the arts, new contexts in arts pedagogy, cross-sectoral cooperation, new extending professional roles, and multiple forms and tasks of performance and performing arts. The symposium will be set in motion by two invited presenters: Professor of Art Education Charles Garoian (Penn State University, USA) and Assistant professor in Theatre and Performance Studies Sruti Bala (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands).
The languages of the symposium are English and Finnish.
Hollo Institute
University of the Arts Helsinki
ArtsEqual, The Arts as Public Service: Strategic Steps towards Equality
Hollo Symposium is supported by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.
Download program here.
Registration: https://www.lyyti.in/Havahtumisia
Note: Uniarts Helsinki staff members & Uniarts Helsinki students:
If your department/employer will cover your registration, please contact us at hollo2017@uniarts.fi before registering – You will get an internal Uniarts registration link. Thank you for your collaboration!
Inquiries: hollo2017@uniarts.fi
Charles Garoian
Charles Garoian is professor of art education at Penn State University. He has performed, lectured, and conducted workshops at festivals, galleries, museums, and university campuses in the United States and internationally. Based on the critical strategies of performance art, his teaching focuses on exploratory, experimental, and improvisational art making processes in visual art studio and art education courses. In addition to his scholarly articles featured in leading journals on art and education, Garoian is the author of Performing Pedagogy: Toward an Art of Politics (1999); co-author of Spectacle Pedagogy: Art, Politics, and Visual Culture (2008); and The Prosthetic Pedagogy of Art: Embodied Research and Practice (2013); all three volumes published by The State University of New York Press.
Sruti Bala
Sruti Bala is Assistant Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She teaches courses in the BA and MA programmes focusing on theatre and performance theories, art and activism, translation in performance and participatory art and has a longstanding interest in performance pedagogy. Recent publications include: International Performance Research Pedagogies: Towards an Unconditional Discipline (co-ed. with Milija Gluhovic, Hanna Korsberg, Kati Röttger; Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); The Global Trajectories of Queerness: Re-Thinking Same-Sex Politics in the Global South (co-ed. with Ashley Tellis, Brill/Rodopi 2015); ‘Humorous Approaches to Art and Activism in Conflict’ (special issue of European Journal of Humour Research co-ed. with Veronika Zangl, 2015) and The Gestures of Participatory Art (forthcoming Manchester University Press, 2018).
Hollo Institute is a network of university departments and researchers that focus on arts education. Hollo Institute aims at advancing pedagogical research in the arts and strenghtening the role of arts education in the Finnish society. The institute organizes a national seminar every spring and an international research symposium annually, every fall. www.hollo-instituutti.fi
University of the Arts Helsinki merges The Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, the Sibelius Academy and Theatre Academy Helsinki. The master programs in dance and theatre pedagogy in the Theatre Academy are responsible for teacher training and pedagogical development in the fields of dance and theatre. www.uniarts.fi
ArtsEqual, The Arts as Public Service: Strategic Steps towards Equality is a multidisciplinary research project (2015–2020) coordinated by the University of the Arts Helsinki, one of the largest researches of art and art education in Finnish history. Its central idea is: “Art doesn’t have to be a privilege for the few. What if arts were understood as public service, accessible to anyone?.” www.artsequal.fi